Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ground Cloves, the Super Antioxidant

Super super-antioxidant for all antioxidants. ground cloves are the most important antioxidant ORAC rated by strangers. This result is derived from the survey USDA. ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity report. Simple, carnations antioxidant activity than any other food source.

You can get 1000 mg capsules, two small teeth get 3144 ORAC. USDA recommends that all 3000-5000 ORAC units per day for optimal health. Do antioxidant protection for at least 30 days.

Cloves contain many flavonoids (antioxidants). Two rhamnetin, and kaempferol. The second element is the most important nutrient, eugenol is a potent anti-inflammatory. Cloves are classified as food supplements, are in the class super-positioned food rich in antioxidants. A unique feature is a large nail in the omega-3 fatty acids are healthy.

Health Care nails

higher antioxidant activity (free radicals)
Pain, especially in the field of dentistry.
or prevention of toxicity, such as carbon tetrachloride.
to prevent or gastrointestinal cancer
or help with inflammation and pain in the joints.
or antibacterial
or in combination with other omega-3 fats such as cod liver oil can reduce inflammation to reduce by 30%, not just the teeth.
or can be used in mosquito repellent.
Soothes and gas, or swelling
High or nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
In order to relieve nausea during chemotherapy and
Clean or sores, wounds and abrasions
mixed with water, or antiseptic mouthwash

Ground cloves 1 000 mg two times more antioxidant activity than a cup of green tea powder and acai. He has more than twelve times 1000 mg dust or powder of Goji berries. It is directed, is according to another study that an important antioxidant role in preventing heart disease, cancer and stroke. If you live in this disease, the changes to their diet, more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole grains. USDA also said that all food additives be as effective as a natural source .

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