Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Glutathione (pronounced glue-ta-thi-a) is an important concept, everyone should know. We need to know what glutathione and how and where it is produced by the body to survive that we can depend, often. Major organs, particularly liver, is a delightful toxins and impurities, and this is a small protein / peptide system. Without glutathione the body has little or no resistance to bacteria, viruses and cancer.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione and glutathione or GSH sulfhydryl. “HS” is the most important active sulfur sulfhydryl group. Peptide glutathione in the liver by three amino acids: glycine, cysteine and glutamate, which are all from the food we eat produces. Glutathione is not a food but is manufactured from raw foods.

Of the three amino acids cysteine, glutathione support is the most important and most difficult to achieve. Cysteine is not present or absent in most diets in North America. Without the production of glutathione, cysteine is a much more difficult. It is equally easy to GSH oxidation in the body is a real possibility. Without regulating the production of glutathione affect all systems of the body and go landing.

Lack of effect of glutathione

It is believed that attack the nervous system, decreased the production of glutathione. Lack of GSH may lead to a lack of coordination, balance problems and tremors. internal damage to systemic impact differently on every person.

Age decreased the production of GSH, of course, but if the low proportion of glutathione production in different media, the decrease in the elderly is very fast. Aging is not just low GSH but factors such as genetics and poor health must be considered. Changes in the production of proteins needed frequently associated with food. The older people consume less food. Many older people lack the motivation to cook three meals a day, while a healthy diet is often overlooked.

Glutathione helps the body:

- Carbohydrates;

- Facilitate the oxidation of fat;

- Preventing oxidation;

- Keep the red and white;

- Development of a healthy immune system;

- To protect the system against oxidation;

- Slow the aging and improve skin condition.

Glutathione in the body is:

Master Antioxidant -;

- Enhanced immune system

- Detox.

How to find the glutathione

Raw materials are not in the liver GSH is easy to find, because all the ingredients with and available, must be done to match the cells in this process. Enter these materials, the use of pollution (bioactive) whey protein is beneficial. GSH in tablet form is not effective because the active ingredients are largely destroyed by the gastric juice .

One way to ensure adequate Glutathione production is to use use Immunocal Platinum (R) and HMS 90 (R) which is a patented 90% pure whey protein produced from organic milk free of antibiotics and steroids. This under natured whey protein is guaranteed to be bioactive with the raw precursors needed to produce GSH. It is a safe and effective product that raises Glutathione levels naturally.

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